Genealogy Search Request Form Our genealogy holdings are listed in the online card catalog except newspapers. Please browse the catalog and search by subject using specific categories, ie. Cemetery Records, Obituaries, etc. Obituary searches from our newspapers may also be requested by providing as much information as possible, ie. specific dates or small window of dates. Genealogy requests may or may not be fulfilled depending upon available staff at the time of the request. We charge $25 for the first hour or any part thereof and an additional $15 per hour for any part or whole hour thereafter. Payment must be received by the library prior to the search. Your E-Mail Address Subject Please note type of request here. For example, "Obituary", "Cemetery record", etc. Remember to browse our collection from our online catalog to insure we actually have the information you seek. Visit the catalog through the link on our homepage (left column). Search Request Please be as specific with names and dates as possible. Remember, newspapers from the turn of the 19th Century did not have designated "Obituaries" pages, therefore entire issues must be searched in order to find entries. Holding #1 Holding #2 Holding #3 reCaptcha Submit The library director will respond to your request within a few days, acknowledging receipt of your query. Searches do not begin until staff is available and funds have been received. If you do not hear from the director within 5 days, please call 660-663-3222 and request to speak with her. Thank you!